10 Things You Should Know About Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

· Porcelain Veneers

Looking for a few answers before you get your porcelain veneers? Honestly, who wouldn’t have a question or two?

Your teeth are the main part of your appearance and you want them to look the best they can; even if they haven’t always looked their best. They endure a lot of damage such as chips, dents, and breaks. If you think about it, your teeth probably do deserve a total transformation of their own.

Porcelain Veneers

If you would like to learn the ten most important facts about porcelain veneers and answer some of your personal questions, keep reading.

What Are Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shell-like caps that are individually bonded to your natural teeth. They can fill your entire mouth or just cover a few. It depends on the state of your teeth and your personal preference.

Veneers can also be partial. This means they only cover part of your tooth instead of the entire thing. This is often determined by personal preference and budget. Either option is a good choice.

If you are planning on getting veneers, just keep in mind that your dentist will have to shave part of your tooth to fit them on. If you aren’t comfortable with this, you may need to talk to your dentist for further clarification or other options.

Composite Veneers vs. Porcelain Veneers

Believe it or not, there are two different types of veneers; composite and porcelain. Both are great options but have their pros and cons. Knowing the version that is best for you will make your decision-making process so much simpler.

Porcelain veneers are made of many thin layers of porcelain. These veneers are known to be more durable and long-lasting than composite veneers. But the installation and preparation process for these veneers is a lot longer than the other option.

Composite veneers are made from resin; the same material used in the dental filling. Because of this, they are not as strong as the porcelain option. This makes them more affordable and easier to install; you won’t have so many trips to the dentist with these.

Both options will completely transform your smile. You just need to figure out which one is best for you.

1. Do Veneers Have a Lifespan

Like most things, your new veneers will have a lifespan. Don’t worry, you won’t have to go through the process of getting new veneers every year; they last longer than that. Your veneers are expected to last around 15 years when properly cared for.

If you are looking for a one-time fix, veneers may not be the answer for you. They will have to be replaced eventually.

If you were wondering how your dentist plans on replacing your veneers, don’t worry they won’t be pulling any teeth during the process. Your density will simply drill the old veneer off and install the new one exactly as they did before.

2. Are Veneers Strong

One of the best qualities of porcelain veneers is their durability. They are just as strong, maybe even stronger, than your regular teeth. If you are known for grinding, chipping, or overall being hard on your teeth veneers may be exactly what you need.

With that being said, your veneers won’t be indestructible. Some veneer owners have been known to chip or crack their veneers after being too hard on them. This is a rare occurrence but it can happen.

Luckily this is an easy fix that will only require you to spend a little while in a dentist's chair.

3. Do You Need to Brush Your Veneers

Since your veneers are placed on your real teeth, you will need to brush them. If you do not, they will begin to decay and might even fall off. To prevent this, all you need to do is brush your teeth like you always have.

Flossing is also recommended to ensure your veneers are cleaned properly. Brushing and flossing will keep your veneers fresh and may even add to their already impressive lifespan.

4. How Much Are Veneers

The price of your porcelain veneers depends on a few factors. One factor is the type of veneer you choose. Porcelain Veneers cost more than composite veneers.

If you have a veneer preference, check the price for that specific type, it may be different than what you thought.

So how much are porcelain veneers? Usually, porcelain veneers cost between $1,000-$5,000 per tooth. Composite veneers, on the other hand, cost between $300-$1,500 per tooth.

This is a pretty large chunk of money, but completely worth it if your smile is not what you want it to be.

If the price of this procedure is more than you anticipated, don’t worry. Your dentist may offer a payment plan that will allow you to pay the procedure off in payments.

5. Is the Procedure Too Painful

The installation of your veneers should not get too painful. This is because your doctor will numb your mouth before the procedure. This will keep you from feeling anything.

Once the numbing medication wears off, you may experience a little soreness in your mouth/teeth, but it should be bearable. Taking some pain medication before the numbness wears off is a great way to combat the pain.

If what you are feeling is completely awful, call your dentist and ask for medication. They will be more than happy to help you out.

6. Are Veneers Grind-Proof

If you’re known for grinding your teeth, this may be the reason you got veneers in the first place. Even though they are strong and will hold up against the grinding, they will still experience damage. Your veneers will react like your natural teeth.

The thing that sets veneers apart from your natural teeth in this situation is that they are replaceable. If you don’t like the damage to your veneers, just get new ones. Wearing a nightguard at night or whenever you can help ensure your veneers do not experience too much damage.

7. What Is the Preparation Process Like

Before the initial procedure, you will have an appointment with your dentist. Here they will take an impression of your teeth and match the tooth shade to your natural tooth. They will then take the information they collected to create the perfect custom veneer for your tooth.

8. Do Porcelain Veneers Stain

Even though they start shiny and new, porcelain veneers will eventually stain. You can help lessen this process by avoiding foods and drinks that are known to stain. This would include coffee, some fruits, wine, and more.

To prevent this, you can also make sure you make it to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning. This deep clean and check-up will remove the stubborn plaque and buildup that stain teeth.

9. What Criteria Should I Meet to Get Veneers

Before you get your veneers or even start the molding process, your dentist will need to analyze your teeth and determine if your mouth is healthy enough for the procedure. In general, you typically only need a good oral hygiene routine and gum that are healthy.

If your dentist notices these things, you will more than likely get the thumbs up.

10. How Can I Care For My Veneers

Along with regular brushing and flossing, there are a few additional things you can do to keep your veneers in good shape. Some include wearing mouthguards and other forms of oral protection when playing sports and not biting hard surfaces. Many people who damage their veneers have done so by failing to do one of these things.

Try to stay proactive and watch out for the well-being of your teeth.

Get Your Own Porcelain Veneers

Now that you know all there is to know about veneers, all you need to do is get them. Decide which veneer type is best for you and give your dentist a call. If you’re currently between a dentist or looking for one to use, call Dr. Vanessa Carpenter.

Dr. Vanessa Carpenter, and her team of professionals, will be more than happy to help give you the smile of your dreams. Visit our website to see some porcelain veneers before and after photos or book an appointment with one of our dentists. We hope to see your smiling face soon!