Types of Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

· Dentist Laredo,Teeth Whitening

Having a dull, yellow smile is a very common insecurity people face when it comes to appearance. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent this insecurity, and whitening your teeth is one of them. Aside from avoiding staining foods and drinks, teeth whitening is one of the best ways to keep your smile looking nice and bright. There are several different ways you can go about whitening your teeth. Regardless of which method you choose to use, you should always whiten your teeth under your dentist’s supervision.

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1. Toothpaste

Even while toothpaste may not seem like it could have much of an impact on how white your teeth are, many people have found success with certain toothpaste formulas. In contrast to other, more aggressive whitening techniques, toothpaste whitens teeth by eliminating surface stains rather than by bleaching them. Although this procedure is incredibly inexpensive, it frequently fails to deliver the spectacular outcomes that many people want.

2. Whitening Strips

It's no surprise that whitening strips are the most popular type of teeth whitening because they work well and are reasonably priced. The majority of drugstores carry whitening strips, which are little, pliable pieces of plastic coated in a peroxide-based solution. To see the effects, you often need to wear them for 30 minutes per day for a week or two. Before it's time to whiten again, the effects should last at least a few months.

3. Pre-Made Whitening Trays

The lining of pre-made whitening trays contains a potent gel that whitens your teeth. You may need to wear the trays for up to an hour per day for a few days to see the effects, depending on the type. These trays are not made specifically to fit your teeth because they are store-bought. The gel may leak out of the trays and get on your gums if the trays don't fit your teeth very well, which could irritate them.

4. Custom-Made Whitening Trays

While the application and price of custom whitening trays are comparable to those of pre-made trays, they are a considerably more powerful and secure way to whiten your teeth. You won't have to worry about the gel irritating your gums because the trays are created specifically for your teeth and fit perfectly. Additionally, because the custom trays include a higher peroxide content than store-bought trays, you will see superior results.

5. In-Office Whitening

The most effective method of tooth whitening is by far in-office whitening. You won't need to use various whitening techniques frequently over a few weeks to see benefits; instead, one in-office whitening treatment will yield substantial effects. To give you the white teeth you've always desired, dentists utilize a highly concentrated peroxide mixture. Despite being the most efficient method of whitening, because of its higher cost, it might not be the ideal choice for everyone.

Having a beautiful white smile like all the famous Hollywood stars isn’t as hard as you think. By using one of the methods above, you’ll have a brighter smile in no time. Talk to your dentist about which type of whitening would best suit you and your needs.

If you are interested in finding out more about your dental health, contact Laredo Teeth through our website or call us directly at 956-725-5035. Castellano & Carpenter Dental Associates remains committed to being the very best at providing patients with optimal care while making them feel right at home.